Rudy gay fantasy reddit

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Over a one week period, let's say these guys total 160 points, 85 rebounds, and 47 assists. Let's say your opponent has K Love, Andre Drummond, and Rudy Gay. Over a one week period, let's say these three guys total 180 pts, 60 rebounds, and 50 assists in the games they played that week. Let's say you have Lebron James, Roy Hibbert, and Victor Oladipo on your team.

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Scoring: Whenever a player on your team gets a stat in an NBA game, it goes toward your weekly total. you can't have all the Chicago Bulls on your team. Your entire team isn't the same as an NBA team, e.g. You add players to your team initially via a live 'draft', and throughout the season from a free agent pool.

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You each have a team comprised of players currently playing in the NBA. Managers: You and several of your buddies decide to play fantasy bball. out of everyone who plays in your league (more detail on this later). You get wins by accumulating the most points, rebounds, blocks, assists, etc. I will describe head-to-head as I believe it's the most commonly played, and the one I'm most familiar with.īasic Premise: Your main goal in fantasy is to end up with the most 'wins' by the end of the season.

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There are different types of fantasy leagues.

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